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Hello friend!  

I am Rali, and first, I want to a say  welcome and thanks for checking out my blog. Like many of us, I wear many “caps”. I am first a wife to a God-fearing man, then a mom to 3 amazing kids (and they sure keep me busy enough). I am also an Accountant and an entrepreneur.

I have authored several books, many of which made it to Amazon Bestseller List within hours of being published, and remained so long after. Why I mentioned this is because because I will be sharing tips on how I was able to accomplish this as a self-published author.

My blogging journey started in 2008 when I started my first inspirational blog mainly because I love to write and desired to be an encouragement to others through my writing. This ultimately led to my being self-published.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, questions and suggestions on this blog.

My Passion

I’m passionate about helping you be creative, exploring and developing your gifts and talents.I will be teaching you how to be a better steward of your finances while building your own wealth. I say your own wealth, because wealth building is different for everyone. While, we’ll focus much on building financial wealth, we will also focus on building wealth of knowledge  in terms of your skills and talents.

I desire to help you finds harmony in your life because I believe having your life work in harmony is more realistic and more beneficial than seeking balance. Balance means equality, equilibrium. Merriam Webster dictionary describes balance as “..produced by even distribution of weight on each side …”.  In other words, if you have 5 activities, then for balance to occur, you must devote 20% to each activity to get to a whole 100%! In real human life, we know this is not possible most times, if at all.

My view is, in life, we can’t always devote EQUAL time and efforts to EVERY SINGLE aspect of our lives (balance), but we can have every aspect in each season of our lives (be it emotional, social, financial, physical, personal, relational etc) work in harmony. In other words, while you may not spend as much time on “Aspect A” as you do on “Aspect B” in a particular season of your life, you will still end up with a satisfying outcome and inner peace.

I always compare it to an orchestra. While you have different instruments playing at the same time, it is important they play together in harmony (not balance).  Instrument A may need to play softly at a particular time, while Instrument B may need to be at its loudest. Yet at another time, Instrument A may need to turn up its volume and B be very low, but such amazing beautiful music we get when these instruments play in harmony! This, to me is how life works for the most part. That is what we find in life as we navigate through the many demands of life and choose which ones are harmonious at each point of our lives.  That is my desire – to help you find that harmony in your life.

My Goals

My goal on this blog is to bring you timely Personal Finance topics, and answer your questions as much as I can. I will also be bringing you ways to make money from home either full time, part time or as a side hustle. This will include business ideas as well as work from home job leads.

Because I self-published my books, I have had to do lots of research on my own to know how to publish my books. As at that time, I wasn’t aware of anyone that could guide me, so I spent several hours learning the process, and successfully self-published my first book, and then the next ones. Of course I have since met others on this journey and have learned one or two things more on  writing, publishing and marketing your books. In addition I keep learning and teaching and hope to share what I learned in the past and will learn in the future here as well.

I look forward to being part of your success story and helping you achieve your goals too.