Beast Reasons to Self-Publish

4 Reasons to Self-Publish Your Book

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In this blog post, I am examining why you should self publish, if at all. It is a well-known fact that many authors are now going the self-publish route, taking their own book destinies in their hands. Is this advisable? Should you consider self-publishing or not? Please read on.

What is Self-Publishing?

Simply put, Self-publishing is when you publish your work (in this case your book) by yourself. You are in control of your work, responsible for the publishing expense, as well as book marketing and distribution. In the same way, you have exclusive rights to your book, the proceeds from the sale, the copyright, etc. You are not bound by any contract with a publishing company and don’t need permission to re-produce your book in any other formats you choose. It is indeed all yours.

Why Should You Consider Self-Publishing?

In recent times, Self-Publishing has not only become popular but is also a fast-growing part of the publishing industry. This is because of the many advantages of Self-publishing which we will explain below.

Opportunity for New Authors: 

Self-publishing gives first-time Authors the opportunity to get their work in print. Publishing through a traditional publishing house may not always be easy, or possible for these new authors mainly because their work has not yet been tested, and they are not yet known.

Shorter Wait Time: 

When you self-publish, you have the chance to put your work out there for your readers without the long wait that will usually accompany  publishing traditionally. However, this should not mean publishing sub-standard books. Even with the ability to publish sooner than you would with a traditional publishing house, you should still exercise the necessary caution, and invest in producing quality work. The quality of your work is what will guarantee that your readers keep reading your books.


Nowadays, when you take charge of doing your own publishing, you incur very little cost. There are now several platforms available for you as an Author that will make it really cheap for you to publish your work. One of such is Kindle Direct Publishing.


This is one of the best parts of self-publishing. Gone are the days when you must print thousands of books, keep them in your garage, and hope that they all sell. Now you really don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. With the Print-On-Demand process, your books are printed only when ordered, regardless of the quantity. This is a great cost-saver for self-published authors, as you don’t have to spend thousands on books without the guarantee of a purchase.

These are some of the benefits of self-publishing. Please stay tuned for more topics related to Self-Publishing in our future posts. Feel free to subscribe to receive an alert on new related topics.


Are you an aspiring Author? Check out my book on Writing Your Non-Fiction Book in 30 Days or Less


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